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The 21-Day Linkedin Atomic Writing and Branding Course For Content Writers (7777 INR)
First Section
Day 1: LinkedIn Profile Optimization Before Initiating Atomic Writing Challenge (1 hour 12 Minutes) (72:02)
Day 2: LinkedIn Profile Optimization Including Slide Show for Better Clarity (10 Minutes 53 Seconds)) (10:53)
Day 3: Author Branding Mastermind Session for Digital Writopreneurs (22 Minutes 39 Seconds) (22:39)
Day 4: Business E-mail Writing, Etiquettes, and Rules for Working Professionals (1 hour 34 minutes) (94:39)
Day 5: Live Editing of Article "Five Benefits of Praying to Sun and 12-Step Surya Namaskar Process" (8 minutes 48 seconds) (8:50)
Day 6: Edited Comparison Copies of Digital Writopreneurs who Participated in Second LinkedIn Atomic Writing Challenge (34 minutes 59 seconds) (34:59)
Day 7: Opportunity to Speak in Public Given to LinkedIn Atomic Writing Participants (24 minutes 47 seconds) (24:47)
Day 8: 10 Secret Tips to Write a Featured Article by Rajinder Soni, Chief Coach, Digital Writopreneurs Hub (19 minutes 24 seconds) (19:24)
Day 9: Explore Microniche Writing Options with Rajinder Soni (45 min 29 sec) (45:29)
Day 10: Grammar Saturday Live by Rajinder Soni @ 7:30 pm (1 hour 13 min) (73:21)
Day 11: How to Write a Killer Intro and Body of Your Article (20 min) (20:27)
Day 12: 23 Ways to Write the Conclusion of your Post (15 min 19 sec) (15:19)
Day 13: Copywriting Training: How To Use AIDA Formula In Copywriting With Examples (1 hour 12 min) (72:35)
Day 14: Long Tail Keywords, Target Audience Attraction, Google Suggest Feature and Writing Contest Winning Strategies (1 hour 6 minutes) (66:55)
Day 15: Writopreneurs Overview, Skeleton Blog Intro, Steps to Harness the Power of LinkedIn (56 minutes) (56:01)
Day 8: 10 Secret Tips to Write a Featured Article by Rajinder Soni, Chief Coach, Digital Writopreneurs Hub (19 minutes 24 seconds)
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