The 21-Day Linkedin Atomic Writing and Branding Course For Content Writers (7777 INR)
The Quickest and Most Effective Client Attraction Formula on the Planet for Freelance Writers
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This course came into existence in this world when I received an idea from one of my writopreneurs. His name is Anand Gopal. I immediately executed his incredible idea and it quickly became a massive revolution in the content writing industry.
Anand Gopal: Sir, I have an idea. Can I share it in the group?
LinkedIn 21-Day Atomic Writing Habits
Hi folks,
I have an idea. Can we start writing daily approximately 250 to 500 words on a given topic given by Rajinder Sir. Each member will write his/her story on the topic and will submit to Sir for approval. This will help us beat procrastination. Write-up will be evaluated by our mentor before publishing on LinkedIn. This is my idea to sharpen our writing skills daily through this atomic habit. At least we can develop writing habits. Though I am a novice in this writing journey so any of our experienced members can suggest to us.
Rajinder Soni: Yes Anand Goptal -- share this idea immediately in the group.
Congratulations this dea 💡 is becoming a revolution.
So be ready for today's meeting at 7:30 pm and this is how this course started.
Now what you will get if you will invest in this course:
- Learn to write daily at fixed intervals.
- Become a consistent and productive writer.
- Get your work evaluated by a mentor with more than 20 years of writing, editing and publishing experience.
- Write with other community members and learn about their perspectives and views.
- Get immediate and timely feedback.
- Develop your writers' brand authority on Linkedin professional platform.
- Start pulling freelance writing clients towards your profile in a matter of few days.
See what Kavita Kudia says about this writing and branding course and LinkedIn Challenge:
Writing is a hobby for me till date. I did not pursue it at a professional level. But when I joined my first job as an intern in a company, I found that there were a lot of things that I need to know, while pursuing my career as a content writer. Now I am able to identify that content writing is a field that is always evolving. It is not boring like other fields. Various steps such as how to write for clients, the structure and various elements of the article, such as, titles, summaries, introduction, body, conclusion and call to action need to be learned. As a freelance writer, you should also understand client requirements, have knowledge of the product, and know about the interest of the audience for whom you are going to write the content. Then you need to focus on style, tone, pitch and depth of writing. You also need to learn content promotion and marketing if you want to become a successful blogger.
So to learn all these strategies, I joined Digital Writopreneurs content writing course under the guidance of Mr. Rajinder Soni. Here I am learning many new things on a daily basis. All these are related to the content writing field, such as, how to develop content, how to work on micro-niches, how to summarize your article, how to write catchy and unique titles, how to edit your article, how to work on your weak points, especially on grammar and structure of the content and so on. Moreover, I have also learned from this course on how to develop as a content writer. While pursuing this course, I worked on various topics and had a chance to interact with experienced writers, learned through their experiences, their views on particular topics, writing styles such as the genre of a writer, etc., which is a completely new experience for me.
After watching the interactive course videos, I am able to understand that joining this course was my best decision. Although I faced various personal challenges while pursuing this course, especially as a newcomer in this field, I have explained some of the benefits and challenges:-
1. My first challenge was to be an extrovert, as I was an introverted person, but after I joined this course, the community members and my coach guided me on how I can change my introvert image to an extrovert.
2. Another challenge that I faced was limited exposure to such types of interactive and highly active communities, where I can get a chance to improve my knowledge and skills under one roof, but after joining this course, this community has become my home where I can express my views and ideas without any fear.
3. One of the benefits of joining this course was that I got exposure to this industry that will automatically enhance my credibility in the market.
4. As a certified writer, you become more aware of the market trends and requirements of your readers and this helps in bringing more targeted audience for you.
See what Waheeda Bi Khan says: Joining Digital Writopreneurs Hub has been the best decision in 2021. Our mentor and CEO of DW Hub -- Rajinder Soni sir is a man of action, compassion, humility and a complete leader in every possible way. He leads his community of wards as a guide, counsellor and family. He is a coach full of energy and innovative ideas. Every day with him is like a gym for your writing skills. He patiently creates exercises and modules catering to individual abilities and also always encourages us through his practical advice. A pragmatic to the core. His unique quality is that he not mentors all the writers with equal precision and care, but also never leaves his wards after the course or boot camp is completed. He leads his community of writers till they reach their goals and even provides them breakthrough opportunities to pursue their dreams and careers. His mission statement is not just preaching but a fact proven by the growing community of writers under him. It's my privilege to be a writopreneur mentored by him. Keep surging ahead sir.
See what Nandhini Alagarsamy says about this course and community: Read what she says: This group is so active. The community and helpful mindset that Mr. Rajinder Soni sir has created here feels like a gentle breeze when you're gasping for breath. There's a saying in Tamil that when the month of "Thai" begins new ways will start to show up. It's one of the most hopeful sentences I've heard in my life (it feels good to hear it in Tamil) and this group of people called writopreneurs and Rajinder sir's commitment reminded me of that and I wanted to share it with you all. I have complete faith (note that I'm nt saying that I have hope) that each and everyone one of us here will not only succeed in our path but also lead many others towards their success journey. I feel so grateful to be here and I'm so glad we're all a part of this growth journey even when we have our own paths we're all tgthr guiding each other in our respective paths. I, heartily, wish you all great success, abundance, love, guidance, wealth and health in this auspicious day of Sankranti (Thai Pongal in Tamil), in the highest good of all involved. Have a great night and an amazing start.
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
StartDay 1: LinkedIn Profile Optimization Before Initiating Atomic Writing Challenge (1 hour 12 Minutes) (72:02)
StartDay 2: LinkedIn Profile Optimization Including Slide Show for Better Clarity (10 Minutes 53 Seconds)) (10:53)
StartDay 3: Author Branding Mastermind Session for Digital Writopreneurs (22 Minutes 39 Seconds) (22:39)
StartDay 4: Business E-mail Writing, Etiquettes, and Rules for Working Professionals (1 hour 34 minutes) (94:39)
StartDay 5: Live Editing of Article "Five Benefits of Praying to Sun and 12-Step Surya Namaskar Process" (8 minutes 48 seconds) (8:50)
StartDay 6: Edited Comparison Copies of Digital Writopreneurs who Participated in Second LinkedIn Atomic Writing Challenge (34 minutes 59 seconds) (34:59)
StartDay 7: Opportunity to Speak in Public Given to LinkedIn Atomic Writing Participants (24 minutes 47 seconds) (24:47)
StartDay 8: 10 Secret Tips to Write a Featured Article by Rajinder Soni, Chief Coach, Digital Writopreneurs Hub (19 minutes 24 seconds) (19:24)
StartDay 9: Explore Microniche Writing Options with Rajinder Soni (45 min 29 sec) (45:29)
StartDay 10: Grammar Saturday Live by Rajinder Soni @ 7:30 pm (1 hour 13 min) (73:21)
StartDay 11: How to Write a Killer Intro and Body of Your Article (20 min) (20:27)
StartDay 12: 23 Ways to Write the Conclusion of your Post (15 min 19 sec) (15:19)
StartDay 13: Copywriting Training: How To Use AIDA Formula In Copywriting With Examples (1 hour 12 min) (72:35)
StartDay 14: Long Tail Keywords, Target Audience Attraction, Google Suggest Feature and Writing Contest Winning Strategies (1 hour 6 minutes) (66:55)
StartDay 15: Writopreneurs Overview, Skeleton Blog Intro, Steps to Harness the Power of LinkedIn (56 minutes) (56:01)